
Hi there! I’m Marilyn Jernigan, a single Christian woman who has a heart of compassion for sharing the love of Christ.  Married and divorced before the age of 30,  I love to share my testimony of how I tried dating outside of God’s will for my life and failed at it miserably.  After years of disappointments and heartaches, I decided I wanted to learn how to cultivate a relationship with the lover of my soul, Jesus Christ.  I can honestly tell you that he never disappoints me and holds my heart close to His.

I wouldn’t mind being married again.  However, I am content in my singleness in this season of my life and living life to the fullest.  If the Lord blesses me with a husband, Amen.  If he doesn’t, Amen.

As a single woman, I automatically assumed that I couldn’t do much alone.  I was wrong. The bible says in John 10:10 that Jesus came that we may have life  and live life more abundantly.   In Him, I am living a happy, whole, and fulfilling life.  And you can too.

I invite you to join me on my journey of living life to the fullest, til it overflows.

Become a member of Single & Content by subscribing to this site on the Home page.

Be blessed,

Marilyn J.

13 thoughts on “About”

  1. I am so glad I found your site! I’ve been a bit of a discouraging place because where I am right now most everyone seems to be trying to date outside God’s will. Oy vey!! I feel like Elijah, like I’m the only one trying to live my single life for the Lord. Just not very many good examples singles living a content life and seeking after Christ. Everyone around me is discontent and broken and trying to fill their brokenness with a man. So I am encouraged to find you! Blessings! Sorry for blabbing. Just venting right now. 🙂

    1. Pottershands, I’m so glad you found my site as well. I’ve also had to deal with the very same things as you. I pray for you to remain strong in your faith in Jesus Christ. He has the ability to keep you during times of temptation. We have pressures all around us to date outside of God’s will…television, radio, the Internet. The world’s moral compass is on a fast decline and as Christians it’s important to surround ourselves with positive examples of people who are attempting to live righteous for God. We can do this…together!
      May God’s love overwhelm you,
      Marilyn J.

      1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Marlyn! I need them! I pray God’s blessings on you as you seek to do the same and seek to publish His works! Amen!! 🙂

  2. Hi Marilyn!

    I just thought you might be interested in this adventure. I’m taken part in a Blog hop opportunity. The idea is this: Each author answers 4 questions and then introduces 3 blogging friends of their choice. You would then post on your blog your answers to the 4 questions and introduce your three blogger friends in the post. If this is something you will like to participate in. You will need to answer the following 4 questions in your post and introduce 3 blog friends of your choice. The questions are:

    · What am I writing or working on?
    · How does my work differ from others of it’s genre?
    · Why do i write what i write?
    · How does my process work?

    Please take a look at this link site for an example of how it works.


    If you are interested, I will need your profile photo and a maximum of 100 word profile introduction of yourself. So that I can introduce you in my post. Please I will need to have this latest by the 30th of August.

    The beautiful thing abort this Blog hop thing as I believe is that, it’s a creative way of getting your blog before different audiences and given them the opportunity to check out what your blog is about and if interested, connect with you.I will be featuring my own post for this in early September. And I will help to promote yours when your blog post goes live if you decide to participate.

    P.S. Just that you know, unfortunately as I am only allowed 3 blog friends, I will only be able to select the first 3 people to respond back to me. Please kindly let me know asap if you are interested. Again many thanks for all your lovely encouragement and support as ever. I really appreciate you. God bless you!


  3. Hi Marilyn! I just thought you might be interested in this adventure. I’m taken part in a Blog hop opportunity. The idea is this: Each author answers 4 questions and then introduces 3 blogging friends of their choice. You would then post on your blog your answers to the 4 questions and introduce your three blogger friends in the post. If this is something you will like to participate in. You will need to answer the following 4 questions in your post and introduce 3 blog friends of your choice. The questions are:

    · What am I writing or working on?
    · How does my work differ from others of it’s genre?
    · Why do i write what i write?
    · How does my process work?

    Please take a look at this link site for an example of how it works.If you are interested, I will need your profile photo and a maximum of 100 word profile introduction of yourself. So that I can introduce you in my post. Please I will need to have this latest by the 30th of August.

    The beautiful thing abort this Blog hop thing as I believe is that, it’s a creative way of getting your blog before different audiences and given them the opportunity to check out what your blog is about and if interested, connect with you.I will be featuring my own post for this in early September. And I will help to promote yours when your blog post goes live if you decide to participate.

    P.S. Just that you know, unfortunately as I am only allowed 3 blog friends, I will only be able to select the first 3 people to respond back to me. Please kindly let me know asap if you are interested. Again many thanks for all your lovely encouragement and support as ever. I really appreciate you. God bless you!

    Shade Akinbiyi

    1. Hi Shade! If I’m not too late, I’d love to join the blog hop response. If I’m too late, I appreciate you for considering me. Thank you so very much.
      Many blessings to you! ☺

  4. Hi Marilyn! You’re actually the third person, so glad you’re interested! I will do my post in the first week in September. (I will confirm the date with you in the next couple of days.) If you post on the same day with me and the others, that way, followers from my blog can cross over to your’s and see your answers and also get connected with your blog. Please let me know if you need any more clarification. Thank you too! And God bless you more! 🙂

  5. Hi Marilyn, Just to confirm the date with you. My blog break starts 31st of August but I will Post my 4 Answers and Introduce you and the other 2 blog-hop friends in the same post on Thursday the 4th September next week. That way, I get to leave it on front view for 3 days before resuming my normal Blogging. (Please feel free to choose how long you want to leave yours on for.) Thank you.

    Have a beautiful weekend!
    Bless you 🙂

    1. Hi Shade. Sorry for the late response. I sent you an email via your contact link on your webpage with my introduction. I’m not sure if the picture attached successfuly because I copied and pasted into the email. Thanks again and enjoy your blog break!
      God bless you! 🙂

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